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Loc de muncă: electrician/production lines

Poziţii: 2

Ţara: Belgia


Tip post: full time

Salariu: 1500 - 1800 euro

Data expirării: 12/08/2011

Descriere job

A great focus on the electrical part of the position with the emphasis on the electrical malfunctions and maintenance. The person needs to be strong especially in electrical aspects of the position.
You will get a on the job training from the first day of your work and you will be assisted by the other team members/colleagues technicians.
• Together with your colleagues you will carry out all the preventive activities and daily care, maintenance of all machinery and the production lines.
All the machines are automatically operated (CNC machines)
Your responsibilities are:
• Inspection and replenishment of oil
• Mounting and demounting the parts of machines/production lines during the summer and winter holiday
• Check if something is not broken, unfinished, and if needed replacement of the parts
• Repair of mechanical and electrical parts
• Checking of filters and replacement of engines
• Lubrication elements in machines – which should be a routine, daily business
• Sometimes you will participate on a small project works
Depending on your qualifications there are possibilities of growing in the company and getting more responsibilities.

Which machines are there?
Push Pull Pickling-line: this is no-continuĂŤ a beitsline. This means that one steel role by steel role works. Positively: it does not make from which role goes. Negatively: time loss
No special mechanics: only cylinders, hydraulics and mechanica.
2 kniplijnen: the roles are cut to waste in the breadth to plates.
here too no special mechanics: engines and hydraulics
1 slitteerlijn: this machine makes of 1 large role kleindere rolls. This time in the length.
In short your responsibilities are:
• Keeping production lines machinery (machines pictures on the website: eg•
• Maintenance of these machines
• Analyze the problem on production lines
• Repair and replacement of defective parts
• Machine elements
• welding with the TIG or MIG method

Cerinţe job

Language skills: English or German language, communicative (the candidate should be able to report in a given language the problems, or ask for information at the workplace)
Good knowledge of pneumatics and mechanics of production machines
• Ability to welding within MIG and/or TIG method
• (it is the best if the candidate have the certificates)
• A minimum of three and four years in a similar position
Mechanics of machine/production lines or Electromacanics

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