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Loc de muncă: Licensed Occupational Therapis

Poziţii: 1

Ţara: Suedia


Tip post: full time

Salariu: 1600 - 2300 euro

Data expirării: 31/08/2011

Descriere job

We offer a varied, challenging and independent work on our Rehab Unit. On the unit works five occupational therapists, four physical therapists, occupational therapy assistant, nursing assistant and service engineer / technician. The work includes both work against the municipality's home care patients in special and regular housing and work with the district rehabilitation. Responsibilities include assessment, treatment, testing aids and home modifications. In addition, supervision of residents, patients, relatives and carers as well as collaboration with other professionals in the healthcare chain

Cerinţe job

Personal qualities Ability to take responsibility, work together and to give priority to when business needs require, we think are important personal qualities. Qualifications Licensed Occupational Therapist. Experience as an occupational therapist is desirable as well as the habit of documenting the data records. Driving license B license is required

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